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There are many charitable giving opportunities that may benefit you and your family. There are multiple ways to set up planned giving, whether you have a little or a lot of money to invest. There are even ways to contribute that won’t cost you anything. Many types of planned gifts may even meet your estate planning needs.
Annual Gifts:
Whether $10 or $10,000, an annual cash gift provides a base of funding which the Cultural Center translates into direct support for capital improvements, cultural programming, conference facility needs and garden expenditures. Your gift will be used where the need is greatest unless you specify otherwise.
Major Gifts to Support Major Projects:
Opportunities exist to provide support in several critical areas, such as much needed chairs, tables and sound equipment for the conference facility, building structures and water features in the Japanese Garden, exhibits and educational programs for students, talent for theatre performances, upgrades to the facility such as new carpet and new floor treatments to name a few. We also want to start a reserve fund for pending and anticipated renovation for thermostat systems, air conditionuing, boilers and other items. The building is 16 years old now, so we anticipate the need to replace expensive HVAC systems among other things. Major gifts for capital projects can be transmitted in the form of:
- Cash
- Securities
- Real Property
- Or through the development of a charitable trust or other gift planning instrument
An entire room refurbishment, or a piece of equipment can be provided to the Cultural Center in your name or to memorialize or honor a loved one. Gifts to capital projects can leave a lasting legacy for you and your family.
Major Gifts to Endowments:
Establishing an endowment to pay for theatre talent, make Japanese Garden renovations or provide other other support to the Cultural Center in perpetuity is a also a wonderful way to leave a legacy. Endowments funds are invested and only a portion of the interest is used on an annual basis. The fund is perpetual and will continue to grow and provide support in your name for the life of the Cultural Center and beyond. Endowed gifts can be established in a variety of ways.
Planned Gifts. Working with an attorney, accountant, or financial planner, you may discover that including the Four Rivers Cultural Center in your estate may actually provide you with an income stream for your lifetime, reduce your current taxes, reduce state and inheritance taxes, and still provide resources for your heirs. We can give you ideas about how this might work and where a planned gift could be put to best use for the Cultural Center.
The Cultural Center will use your gifts in the most appropriate manner. While you may designate a specific use for your gift, an unrestricted gift or bequest affords the Cultural Center the flexibility to respond to the greatest needs.
To find out more about ways to make a difference in your life and the lives of others, contact the Four Rivers Cultural Center at (541) 889-8191 or by email at
Contributors of significant gifts of $10,000 or more may “name” the items or area refurbished for themselves or a loved one.
Tributes and memorials are considered ideal gifts because they are a loving honor to an individual as well as a contribution that can change lives. Tributes and memorial gifts to the Cultural Center are especially enduring because the funds help people in our community to continue to enjoy the Cultural Center. The Cultural Center accepts many donations that are made to honor an event or an individual. A gift may honor a wedding anniversary, birthday, religious celebration, or other occasion. This is a loving tribute to the individual honored by the gift. A memorial gift is an enduring remembrance of love for the family of the deceased.
The Foundations sends thank you letters to the donor, and informs the honoree or family member of the gift. The amount contributed is confidential. You may make a tribute or memorial contribution online or mail a check to the Foundation Office.
Most staff members and board members make a contribution to the Internal Campaign. Some give cash donations, while many donate through payroll deduction. Donors may designate their contribution to one of the following areas:
- Area of Greatest Need
- The Conference Facility
- The Japanese Garden
- Educational Programs
- The Performing Arts Theater
- The Harano Exhibit Gallery
For questions about donations, volunteering or our capital campaign please contact or call 541-889-8191.