Strong People. Strong Bodies.

Jan.7 – Mar. 20
8:45 AM – 9:45 AM

Register at the time of class.

Join OSU Extension Service & FRCC&M in a StrongPeople class. Work with certified instructors in learning the basics about nutrition, physical activities, and preventative programs. Challenge yourself to be the best you possible by participating and documenting along your transformation. This is a progressive series; please plan on attending all in sequential order to gain the most from this class.

StrongPeople™ (formerly known as StrongWomen™) is an exercise program developed at Tufts University in 2003 by Dr. Miriam Nelson. The program was originally created to increase the number of women participating in safe and effective strength training programs throughout the United States and abroad. StrongPeople™ envisions a diverse community of individuals who are fit, strong, and healthy; in turn, these empowered individuals become agents of change for their families, communities, and beyond.

StrongPeople™ seeks to:

  • Create, evaluate, and sustain transformative community-based nutrition, physical activity, and obesity prevention programs and civic engagement initiatives that include relevant policy, system, and environmental (PSE) changes, with the goal of promoting a culture of health and supporting health equity.
  • Conduct innovative, translational research including community-based interventions and dissemination research with at-risk populations and in underserved settings.

Dress in comfortable clothing with sneakers. Please bring water and wrist weights (not required)

  • All abilities and ages looking to be healthier and feel better are welcome, however this is catered to seniors.